Seek First: His Kingdom and His Righteousness

Matthew 6:33 (Amplified) But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom (dominion) and His righteousness (the attitude and character of God),  and all these things will be given to you also.

In Matthew 6:33, Jesus concludes His Sermon on the Mount with a powerful call to action, urging us to make His Kingdom and His Righteousness our top priority. This foundational scripture defines His message and serves as a guiding principle for how we live our lives. As followers of Christ, we are called to prioritize the Kingdom above all else, recognizing the profound implications of this commitment.

In this section, we will unpack the meaning of this scripture and explore its essential components, guiding us on our journey to live in alignment with God’s purpose.

The Kingdom: Jesus’ Mission

Jesus’ mission on Earth was centered around the Kingdom of God. He proclaimed its arrival and significance through His teachings and actions, emphasizing that it should be our primary focus as well.

Kingdom and Righteousness: Defining and Understanding

Understanding the concepts of Kingdom and Righteousness is crucial for every believer. The Kingdom represents God’s reign over our hearts and the world, while Righteousness reflects His character in our lives. Together, they guide us in our daily walk with God.

The Promise: All These Things Will Be Given

Jesus assured us that when we prioritize His Kingdom and Righteousness, all our needs will be met. This promise is central to living a life free from worry, anchored in faith, and filled with hope.

Living Out the Kingdom: Here and Now

Living out the Kingdom involves embodying God’s values in our daily lives. It means practicing love, justice, and mercy in our interactions, reflecting His character to the world around us.

    Dive Deeper: How to Engage

    This section serves as a gateway to further exploration. Here, you’ll find resources, studies, and community discussions to help you deepen your understanding and application of the Kingdom message.

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